
24 Books in 12 Months

So today, I decided at night time I will put down my phone, laptop, ipad and anything that stimulates my brain, and read a book instead. I haven't read a book properly in years, and I find my creativity surges and my brain relaxes while doing so.

With the wedding coming up, I thought it would be a good way to relax my subconscious. And with the boy working night shifts, it's a different world to escape into!

Being a book lover slash collector, I thought I should start reading books I have bought because they look and sounded good at the time. What's that about judging a book by its cover?

Anyway, so I decided to challenge myself to 24 books this year. That's 2 books a month, and not totally unachievable. This isn't a New Year's resolution, this is just a self-challenge. Tonight's book was "Of All the Stupid Things" by Alexandra Diaz. You can buy it here. A YA book, but probably what I needed to get into the swing of things.

I read the whole book in just under 2 hours, and it was a nice feeling. Growing up with Mum working in a library was awesome, as I used to get given books to read almost daily. In primary school and even high school, you could usually find me with my nose in a book.

Here's a selection of what I have in store ahead of me, some very chick-lit books, but they'll be enjoyable nonetheless!!


  1. You've got an ipad right? You should get the kindle app and PDF apps and load books on there to save space :D

  2. I should have mentioned I want to read actual paper books - there's something about reading and turning pages that's so relaxing

  3. I heard silence of the lambs is a good book ;)
