Stefana are a crucial part of an Orthodox wedding, as follows:
In a traditional Greek wedding ceremony the bride and groom are crowned with Stefana. Stefana being dual crowns; each crown being linked together with a single length of ribbon symbolising the joining of two souls and the creation of a new household. It is a symbol of combining two people as one. As a married couple they become the king and queen of their household. These crowns represent the signs of wisdom, justice, intregity, glory, honour when the king and queen are crowned. After the wedding the wedding crowns or Stafana are kept in a safe place representing the couple's commitment. Stefana or wedding crowns are intended to be kept for life forming eternal memories for the bride and groom
To me, they represent the most beautiful part of a wedding ceremony, linking man and woman into husband and wife, like a beautiful bond.
When M & I get married, we will not purchase our Stefana, as this will be done by our Koumbara (wedding sponsor). I am a control freak, and usually can't stand the thought of someone buying something for me if
Back in my parents day, Stefana looked very 1980's. My grandparents would have used something basic, white and beautiful. My great grandparents (although I have never seen a picture) would have worn Stefana that would have been very basic, functional and plain. But this does not take away from the symbolism.
Here are what they look like, and what I like, but this is for "research purposes".

My precious!!


Old school as!

Basic, but gorgeous!
I should make this a series! Weddings are an interesting thing to plan while renovating...